Esports Group Reveal New Online Casino for the Finland Market

Finland will welcome a new Esports-based online casino sporting a new ‘Pay and Play’ system allowing users to deposit funds without any security risks. The new online casino is unique as the site does not require any user registration, all that is needed is a valid bank card, and you can access the site’s games. This doesn’t mean that anyone can access the content as an age verification system will prevent underage users from accessing the site’s content through bank certification.

Map of Scandinavia.

Finland has welcomed a new Esports focused online casino. Utilizing a new fast track system called pay and play, the website won’t require customers to register their details to access the games available. This feature is the first of its kind for the Finnish market. ©Pexels/Pixabay

A Maltese company is pulling strings behind this operation. Lucky Dino has been a big part of the industry for years. Their recent in Esports has triggered a new wave of gambling habits across the continent. This is because, in 2020, they were acquired by Esports Entertainment, one of the world’s biggest competitive video gaming conglomerates; they host events every year and partner with the world’s biggest game developers, including Activision, EA, Nintendo, and Riot Games.

Ever since they purchased Lucky Dino, they’ve been focusing on numerous projects trying to establish Esports themed casinos in Europe, the latest of which is based in Finland. It makes sense for Lucky Dino to set up shop in the Scandinavian outpost as they understand the market from previous ventures; they also run Casino Jefe and Olaspill, both are highly successful online casinos in Finland. Their technological framework has perpetuated all of their businesses, and the latest will draw from the same security standards as the rest.

The big talking point from the new online casino plans is the no registration feature, which allows players to immediately deposit money securely without the need to create an account. More casinos in Europe and America have adopted a similar strategy, and land-based establishments have perfected this to use AI and facial recognition software to allow suitable players in. Similar to the tech used in car parks to recognize number-plates but used for human faces in a casino hall.

Esports Entertainment acquired numerous companies in 2020. Aside from Lucky Dino, they also snapped up Argyll Entertainment in July, a British company founded in 2016. Argyll is partly responsible for new technologies that allow consumers to bypass the registration aspect of online gambling sites. Esports Entertainment has used this asset across many of its platforms, sparking a rise in customers across the continent. Argyll offers its own variation similar to Lucky Dino in English speaking countries, including the US and all of Britain.

Lucky Dino Expand Their Technological Infrastructure

As they are owned by Esports Entertainment, which also own several other technology firms, Lucky Dino has benefitted significantly from their parent company’s frameworks. Their sites incorporate numerous innovative aspects, including unique payment systems, consumer management software and affiliate marketing networks allowing them to make money from advertising and bring more traffic to their websites. Because of these innovations, Lucky Dino is considered to be one of the most advanced online casino providers in Europe.

Lucky Dino’s Finnish Casino will also trial a new customer loyalty scheme, rewarding users who often make regular visits to their site and deposit funds. If this feature succeeds, Esports Entertainment will redistribute the framework to the rest of its casino companies to maintain a successful parallel in all of their businesses. The Finnish market is short on Esports betting options, and they’re filling that space with reliable, secure alternatives to appease video game fans. This subsection has grown significantly over the last few years.

Esports across Europe and America has become a recognized event, and it represents a shift into the future. The use of technology in sport is a concept incomprehensible 10-15 years ago. While the stigma surrounding video games still exist, the movement has benefited from big brand recognition, such as football teams signing FIFA players to start an Esports team. The industry is expected to grow significantly over the next few years, and Lucky Dino is one of the first to make Esports betting readily available in Finland.

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